En plus des enseignants rémunérés et des assistants, l’école a constamment besoin de bénévoles pour assurer son bon fonctionnement (accueil, bibliothèque, tâches administratives, communication, comptabilité, comité des fêtes, etc.), ainsi que de personnes pouvant assurer les remplacements. Nous attendons donc avec impatience votre email si vous voulez vous porter bénévole.
Sophie Ward – Chairman et Directrice
Sophie is one of the founders and chairman of the schools. Her commitment to the project from the start, strong drive and contagious enthusiasm transformed a lovely idea into an effective, successful, oversubscribed French Bilingual School that today caters for over 300 children spread across our three schools in Maidenhead, Amersham and Camberley. Her leadership has allowed the Maidenhead school to grow to the point where 1.2.3 Soleil prides itself in furthering pupils’s education from the age of 3 to pass advanced French GCSE.
After studying law in Aix-en-Provence, Sophie’s professional career took off in the vibrant London advertising scene. A career break to raise her 2 boys gave her the opportunity to train as a homeopath and she is now running her own busy practise.
François-Xavier Cadinouche – Trésorier et Directeur
Francois-Xavier joined the Board of Directors as Treasurer in 2009 and brought with him a wealth of experience in administration and accounting. His crystal clear vision and hands on approach has been one of the determining factors of the school’s success.
Francois-Xavier arrived in the UK in 1996 with a desire to travel and further his IT Professional career in the Airline Industry. Today he is an established and successful IT department manager for Amadeus and a devoted father to three bilingual children.
Yasmina Norval – Secrétaire
Yasmina is the newest addition to the team holding the responsibility of the association Secretary. Her friendly approach, beaming smile and impeccable organisational skills makes her a key player in the running of the school. Yasmina is responsible for all administrative matters at 1.2.3 Soleil which includes school life. In record time she has managed to set up a very effective registration system to satisfy the increasing demand and growing waiting list.
Yasmina has been happily settled in the UK since 1990 and as a keen runner races between looking after her two children and a full time job as a PA to the CIO & CFO for BMI Healthcare Group.
Fabienne Martinez – Directrice 1.2.3. Soleil Camberley
Fabienne has joined 123 Soleil first as a parent in Maidenhead in 2010. In 2014, Fabienne and Aurelie founded the 123 Soleil school in Camberley. Since then, the Camberley’s school has flourished, and Fabienne continues to very much enjoy her role as Camberley’s headteacher and Trustee.
Fabienne has moved in the UK in 1999, and works in the Telecom Industry. She has two children who both attend 123 Soleil Camberley.
Damien O’Jeanson, Head of Events – 1.2.3. Soleil Maidenhead
Damien’s recently joined as a trustee of 1.2.3. Soleil Maidenhead and he’s also responsible to plan any extra curriculum events for the school. By engaging the rest of the team, events organised so far have received great feedback from the children and the parents.
Damien has been in the UK since 1996 when he took part in a university exchange program, and has been here ever since. He’s now Director of Project Management at Universal Music and has 2 beautiful children, one of them attending 1.2.3. Soleil.
Joelle White – Trustee
In the UK since 2003, after validating a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, I secured a research contract with the University of Leicester, before settling down in Cookham with my husband and my three children. I then changed direction and became a freelance translator English-French, a position I now occupy since 2012, giving me the flexibility I need for my children’s activities and my other commitments in the associative sector.
I started in the Petite École in 1.2.3. Soleil Maidenhead back in September 2013 and I went from TA to teacher in the petite section before taking on the role of manager of the Petite École until July 2021. I hope to be able to draw upon this experience in becoming trustee of the association and I am glad to have the opportunity to stay within the 1.2.3. Soleil community.